AKC Photo Gallery
Welcome to our Hall of Fame! Here, we proudly showcase a gallery with our dogs' outstanding achievements in American Kennel Club events. Each photo captures a moment of triumph, reflecting the dedication, skill, and bond between our handlers and their canine partners.

Monica and Hannah
Business owner, Monica Bedrosian, and her dalmatian Hannah competing at the German Shepherd Dog Training Club agility trial in 2000! Monica has competed in agility with her Dalmatians since the early 2000's.

Brianna and Forrest
Brianna Bedrosian and Grand Champion Bronze "Runway's Run Forrest Run MX MXJ OF TKA CGC" (Forrest), competing in junior showmanship at Westminster. They have been invited and competed in 2021 and 2022, as well as ranking the #1 Papillion junior handler in the country for 3 consecutive years.

Joshua and Jenny
Joshua and Champion"Runway's Jenny from the Block" winning best junior handler at the Greater Chicagoland Papillon club. Joshua is new to conformation handling and is continuing to learn how to show dogs, working on training his Dalmatian puppy for junior showmanship next!

Aimee and Oakley (far right)
Aimee has been attending and qualifying for the AKC agility Invitational since 2015 where only the top 5 ranked in agility of each breed get invited to compete in Florida!

Brianna and Seamus
Brianna and "Kingsryche Checkmate" competing at The Great American Dog show hosted by the International kennel Club, where they went on to win Best junior handler in show as well as Winners dog for points toward Seamus' championship!

Aimee and Trump
Aimee and Grand Champion "MACH8 Credit Kaze's Capital Gains RN JH MXG3 MJC3 XF T2B2 DM", Trump competeing in dock diving events, one of their favorite summertime activities! Aimee also teaches dock diving lessons in Campton Hills IL

Monica and Fantasia
Monica handling Champion "Impeccable N Folklore's Fantasia OA OAJ TKI CGC" competing at an AKC conformation event, piloting fanta to a best of winners award to contribute points towards her champion title!

Brianna and Forrest
Brianna and Grand Champion Bronze "Runway's Run Forrest Run MX MXJ OF TKA CGC" (Forrest), won Best Junior handler in show at the Papillon Club Of America National specialty in 2022, this was their second consecutive with at this annual show!

Brianna and Fantasia
Brainna and Champion "Impeccable N Folklore's Fantasia OA OAJ TKI CGC" competing at an AKC agility trial in Louisville,KY. They won first place and completed the qualifications for the "Open Agility" AKC title.

Brianna and Twinkie
Brianna and "Just Peachy RN CGC", twinkie, competing in an AKC rally obedience event where they won first place and completed the qualifications for their rally novice title!